Winter Netball Season Games return this Saturday 27th July


Topic   Centre Connect – Save the date

Netball Northern will be holding the next Centre Connect sessions this month – dates as follows:

  • Sun 28 July, (time TBC) Kerikeri Netball Centre for Northland Centre Connect
  • Tue 30 July, 6.30-8.30pm, Manurewa Netball Centre
  • Wed 31 July, 10am-12pm, Windmill Road Netball Courts

This is an opportunity for centres to feed ideas and insights to both Netball Northern and Netball NZ to influence strategic initiatives and priority areas, looking ahead to 2025 and beyond.   

Netball Northern is at the end of our current Strategic Plan cycle, so at this connection event, it's very important to us to hear directly from our centres.


Action: Please inform your centre staff/volunteers to save the date for the Centre Connect. A registration form will come out shortly.

Please note: this is open to all key personnel from your centre, whether they are committee members, convenors, life members or key people from within your netball membership - however please ensure; they are aware we will be focusing on strategy, and that they would like to discuss big picture ideas for netball.

Topic NZ Umpire Theory Applications Open

The NNZ - NZ Theory Exam is the next step for umpires who hold a Zone Umpire Award and are looking to attain the first step towards their NZ C Practical Umpire Award.

Registrations for the second NZ Theory Exam for 2024, are now open, closing Monday 29 July 2024. No late registrations will be permitted.

The NZ Theory Exam for 2024 will be held on Monday 19 August 2024 between 6-8.30pm,

Payment details will be sent to applicants to pay online on Thursday 1 August at 2pm. If their Netball Centre is paying for them, this can be done in one payment directly to Netball New Zealand, details will be in the payment email. Final exam details will be sent to those who have been approved to sit the exam and paid on Friday 16th August at 2pm 

To register, click here. 

When registering for the exam, please ensure the candidate has entered their centre so they can be approved by the zone.

Contact:  Sharleen Morrell

Action: please pass on to your umpires who hold a Zone Umpire Award.

Topic - NNZ Zone Theory Exam

The NNZ Zone Theory Exam is the first step for umpires who hold a Centre Umpire Award and are looking to attain their Zone Umpire Award.

Next exam: 5 August 2024

Registration: open now until 5pm 15 July 2024 - no late registrations will be permitted.  

For more information and to register, click here 


  • Please ask student candidates not to use their school email address to register for Sport Tutor, if possible, as they cannot access their account after they leave school.
  • Candidates should enter their netball centre, rather than their school or club, so they can be approved by the Zone.

Topic   2024 Voice of Participant Survey

The Voice of Participant Survey will run 15 July - 12 August. This survey gathers valuable insights from players and parents that help guide future plans and can be used to identify ways your centre can make the participant experience even better! 

The more who participate in the survey, the stronger the results will be. Each netball centre requires at least 30 responses to receive their customised analytical report.

This year Netball Northern will email the survey on Monday 15 July to players, and parents of players, umpires, coaches and managers through the Sporty database.  By using this database, we hope to reach as many of those involved in netball within the Netball Northern zone as possible.


Action:  On Monday 15 July (when the survey goes live) we will email centres promotional material such as social media copy, imagery and web tiles. When you receive these, we ask you share them through your communications channels to help to promote the survey with your members. 

Topic - Northern Zone News - subscribe now

We recently sent out our new look newsletter - sharing news and stories from across the zone. This newsletter goes to main contacts at centres, however if others would like to receive it, please share with them our subscription form.   Please note, unsubscribe option is available


Action: If you’d like to receive ‘Northern Zone News’, the official e-newsletter of Netball Northern Zone, sign-up here

Topic – Rules of Netball rulebooks

The 2024 Rules of Netball rulebooks are now available to purchase online here: 
Coaches & Officials – Netball New Zealand Shop (

As Netball New Zealand are only doing a small print run of these rulebooks, please consider downloading the Rules of Netball app as an alternative, as a quick and easy reference.

Topic - Lottery Community Fund 

Funding requests for the FY2024/25 Lottery Community Fund will be open 26 June – midnight 24 July 2024. 

Lottery Community grants are for not-for-profit organisations with community or social service focus towards ongoing operational or project costs which will help improve the quality of people’s lives in their communities, hapū and iwi. Here are some of the key changes for the upcoming Lottery Community round:

  • Application and reporting processes will be simpler with fewer questions.
  • Multi-year funding: Now available to apply for up to 2 years.
  • Budgets will not be required for funding requests under $20,000. Any requests $20,000 or more will require a budget.
  • Capital works projects: Only one quote will be expected (this has been reduced from two).

AnchorNB: If your organisation received funding in the previous Lottery Community round (submitted in Dec 2023), requests this round may be considered a low priority

First time applicants should ask Community Matters to help with their funding request. 

Requests should be submitted well in advance of the closing date; in case anything is missing. 


Topic – HPNC yr7&8 PDP tournament

Tournament Sunday 21 July - all teams entered must be made up of players who have participated in a Player Development Program at any Netball Centre in New Zealand. Entries close Friday 05 July
